

I had a passion for video editing at an early age. When I first started experimenting with video editing, it involved connecting two VCRs together, pressing play on one VCR and pressing record on the other. I ended up becoming quite talented at understanding how long it took to spin up the play heads to get the timing of certain cuts correctly, and also the ability to add music and side effects on a third pass of the recording process.

Once I entered University I discovered the world of MiniDV tapes, firewire and Adobe Premiere which help expand my skill set even further. While I don't have as much time to edit together videos these days, it still remains a passion of mine.

Video Projects

Timelapse Videos of Europe

This is the footage I shot on a two week backpacking trip on my own around Europe. This two weeks was a little vacation after a 1.5 month Simon Fraser University Italian Design Field School (Italia Design 2009) The Trip starts in Milan then goes to Zurich, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Paris, Pisa, then finally in Rome. This video had well over 6000 pictures taken for just the timelapses.

Timelapse Videos of Italy

This video portrays some of the amazing sights I saw during a 1.5 month Simon Fraser University Italian Design Field School (Italia Design 2009 Gruppo Sei) The Trip starts in Rome, then to Tuscany (Montepulciano, Orvieto, Cortona, Pitigliano, Dolciano), then to Florence, then finally in Milan. I would have to say this was the experience of a lifetime and I would say this video sums it up pretty well, but not enough. This video had well over 32,000 pictures taken for just the timelapses!

Light Painting Playground

For this project we were told to create a video from a series of still shots. At the time my partner and I were interested in the concept of "Light Painting" where a person would animate a streak of light in front of a long exposure picture. I came up with the concept to have this streak of light animate in a playful way, traveling through a playground, I was also the director and camera operator. This video was also chosen for advertising of a "Hansa Canyon" LED water faucet in a Tennessee Trade show. This project uses no post-production special effects, it was made with the light painting trick and alot of patience.

Year-long Timelapse of Stadium Construction

In 2010 construction started on the new roof of BC place stadium in Vancouver and I decided to try at an ambitious project of capturing a timelapse animation of over a year and a half's worth of construction. Setting up a webcam at a friend's place across the street from the stadium, I created a simple program in Max/MSP to capture images at a varying intervals, and upload straight to my website.

I also added the ability to change the capture interval remotely, and set a different capture rate for daytime and night time. When the pictures were all taken (550,000 of them) I created a crude application in flash (which never left the prototype phase) that will load certain pictures and play them as a video with an adjustable date range or other features.

I also had ideas to filter out pictures with bad weather so I added code that reads a weather almanac website and adds that information over to the picture database, this information is also relayed over onto the timelapse player to give a sense of the weather at the time of each picture.

Italia Design Field Study

The Italia Design field study was an annual collaborative study on Italian design, and the context in which innovation can be inspired by culture and history. The experience in Italy was completely hands-on, and allowed for our group to personally investigate and interview many top designers, architects, and innovative thinkers, and the businesses they run. This allowed us to apply some of the theories and methods we learned towards various projects in field.

Dare to Dream

This project looked into the area of ambient video displays. The video display incorporated a concept of someone dreaming about people painting moving images along a white canvas which was displayed along a 40 foot projected banner in the campus hallway. My role was project leader when it came from initial concept to implementation of how it could be done. The process included creating a custom made large blue-screen using a tarp, setting up camera and lighting, painting red onto the blue tarp, then using after effects to key out the colors which were replaced with various timelapse scenes.

After Effects
A Week Long at Alouette Lake

This is a personal video I made to showcase the timelapse photography I captured during a camping trip I went on with my friends. During this trip I experimented with night photography and a slow panning timelapse system I built using a telescope mount.


This Project was a semester long class assignment in which I was one of the members of the team leads for both the programming side, as well as the overall project. The initial concept was devised between three other members and I, which were voted best concept of the class and selected as the pursuit of the project.

The project involves a sort of puzzle where the user drags certain video clips into an interactive timeline in an attempt to solve the mystery of the unknown killer. I was in charge of the initial concept development, the main backbone of the programming of the user interface and video loading, as well as the top decisions of where the project was heading as a whole.

Puppet Project

The purpose of this project was to create a physical to digital interaction. Our team decided to create a manipulative digital puppet in which the user pulls physical ropes to control the digital version of the puppet. The artistic direction was in a morbid fashion intended to reflect our group's view of the workload of the school at the time. I was in charge of translating the physical actions to digital input, some of the back end Flash work, and constructing the physical rig using parts from a scrap yard. The physical components had their motion tracked by sensors hooked up to a Teleo module (similar to an Arduino) which communicated to the Flash animation displayed on a projection.
